General Kayihura while meeting General Museveni two weeks back requested to go abroad for treatment.

Seruga Titus

The army code demands that all Army officers must seek official permission from the chief defense forces CDF, at the rank of General Kayihura needed the permission of the command in Chief (CIC) but through the CDF of the armed forces.

General Museveni responded negatively to his request and even asked what was the problem with his health, he then diverted him without giving a clear no but later ordered his boys not to let him out.

General Kayihura over the weekend moved to Kampala from his farm, after meetings with his associates and friends he traveled straight to the airport purporting to travel for medical. He was shocked to find SFC had relayed information to airport immigration officials not to let him out of the country at all costs.

General Kayihura acted professional after being threatened by very junior officers of arrest if he insisted, he moved out without causing a scene, but refused to call up the CDF instead he return to his Kampala residence.

It’s not clear what his next move will be, but guess is that if he wants to move out he won’t use the airport.

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