General Mubaraka Muganga confirmed that Kagame’s troops are in DR Congo conducting military operations

By Charles Kambanda

In an interview with the BBC, today, General Mubaraka Muganga confirmed what a significant number of people know that:
(a) Kagame’s troops are in DR Congo, conducting military operations and

(b) Kagame’s troops use Rwandanair to facilitate their military operations in DR Congo.

This reckless declaration by Kagame’s General is significant:
(i) Kagame’s army should be held accountable for the bloodshed in DR Congo

(ii) Rwandair is no longer a civilian installation, per The Geneva Conventions of 1949; Kagame’s foes in DRC are entitled to treat Rwandair for what it is; a military facility.

(iii) By using Rwandair in violation of The Geneva Conventions of 1949, Kagame is guilty of war crimes.

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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