Goodrich TV boss Habumugisha accuses Diane Kamali conspiring with his business rivals.

Goodrich TV boss bail ruling postponed.

Nyarugenge Primary Court has postponed the ruling on the bail application of Francis Habumugisha, the owner of Goodrich TV, who is charged with assaulting two female employees, Diane Kamali and Mary Magdalene Nzaramba.

The presiding judge said the ruling was postponed to Monday next week because the previous hearing involved many issues, which the court Clerk had not been able to record into the court system.

The judge said that the CD, which contains evidence from the prosecution, had not yet been recorded into the court’s system and that court was also still reviewing documents of the people that Habumugisha presented as his sureties in case he has to be given bail.

The businessman is said to have slapped Kamali and destroyed her phone during a staff meeting.

The assault is said to have been a result of Habumugisha noticing that Kamali was video-recording him while reportedly abusing one of her workmates in the same meeting.

Habumugisha was arrested on September 11, after Kamali tweeted a video in which the boss appeared to be slapping her.

In the initial hearing, Habumugisha denied he assaulted anyone.

He added that his accusers are conspiring with his business rivals.

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