Unease is a perfect word to describe the situation in security circles in Rwanda, following the disappearance of an unknown number of guns and ammunitions in Rwanda’s Military Garrison in Gabiro and other places usually manned by the President Kagame’s protection Brigade known the “Republican Guard”.

The other places where guns disappeared were in Muhazi, Kagame’s country home and Bigogwe near Rubavu former Gisenyi, a border town with DRC. There has been rumours of brutal tortures and murders of members of the Republican Guard which was said to have began around the time Gen. Patrick Nyamvumba was sacked as security Minister, however, there was no reliable source to confirm what had happened and what triggered the purge.

We therefore delayed release of this particular report. A number of soldiers especially from Gabiro & Bigogwe are also reported to have disappeared with the military hardware.
The Republican Guard, which had taken on a mystique status in Rwanda & has been President Kagame’s life line, may very be his Achilles heel!

Following this disappearance, a number of Republican Guard officers and men were arrested and tortured to death. This is an evolving story & we shall bring you more information as soon as soon as we have it.

Stay tuned in.
Sgt. Gasasira @large, Kigali.

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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