Had Bugesera Airport been operational as promised by Kagame RwandAir would have used Bugesera instead of Kampala!

In 2016 President Pilato aka Paul Kagame assured Rwandans that he was going to construct a second and much bigger airport to be operational by 2018 indeed on 10th August 2017 at the ground breaking ceremony Pilato made the following comments; ”Bugesera Airport is an important part of Rwanda’s strategy for socio-economic transformation.

We are as determined as you are to see this airport completed and operational. We may not be big but we will always strive to be our best.”

”Rwandans to whom we are accountable are used to having high expectations and trust us to deliver. This will be no different.”

It’s now 2019 and the investor Portuguese construction company MOTA ENGIL has abandoned the project and Pilato is begging Qatar to build the airport.

Today Rwandair has had to swallow it’s pride and divert it’s flights to Entebbe due to bad weather. Had Bugesera Airport been operational as promised by Pilato the flights would have used Bugesera.

Those who still believe Rwandan fictional propaganda need to check themselves into Butabika.


Where Credibility Matters

By Seruga Titus

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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