Happy birthday Boniface Twagirimana.

Today you would be celebrating your 44th birthday with your wife and two children, but instead of counting your years, your family is counting the number of days since you disappeared from where you were kept in detention, 273 days to be exact.

During one of your last public appearances, before being arrested, you met with several European deputies, including Marie Arena from Belgium and Iratxe Garcia Perez from Spain.

During this meeting, you explained to them how difficult it was to speak for the voiceless in Rwanda. You also expressed your concerns regarding the serious violations of fundamental rights of Rwandan opponents, and that of the Rwandan population in general, a cause for which you never ceased to speak despite the risks that came with it.

Your tragic disappearance serves as living proof to show how founded your concerns were.



Mbonyumutwa Ruhumuza

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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