How Charles Kambanda survived assassination in Kampala Uganda


By Charles Kambanda

Karma is what it is. Rutagungira, the bloody Rwandan DMI agent that has been assassinating Rwandan refugees in the Great Lakes Region of Africa, is finally in handcuffs and before Court in Uganda.

I survived assassination in Kampala. Kagame needed my head on a plate, for his amusment. Rutagungira was to execute the ” mission” for his bosses in Kigali. A friend in Kagame’s bloody DMI saved me.

Rutagungira terrorized the region for way too long. Unfortunately, Uganda police top officials cooperated with this beast to terrorize Uganda. Rutagungira was ever ready, able and willing to kill anybody from any place, for money and/or for his pleasure.

I salute Uganda for bringing one of Kagame’s chief assassins to book. Long live Uganda. I give credit to President Museveni for this landmark decision.

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