I find it treasonable for Kagame to have an advisory council of individuals who are non Rwandan citizens.

1. Which legal instrument would such head of State be using to constitute and run such a council? My initial research shows there is no legal instrument and I would say the President only exercises powers given to him or her by the constitution. He doesn’t only swear to uphold the constitution but also to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country. He therefore can’t turn around and invite neighbours into bedroom meetings. To me this sounds like treason.
2. If it’s there, does any representative body have a mandate to make laws that would undermine the sovereignty of the State and self determination aka Independence?

4. If there is no legal instrument establishing this advisory council, do then not call it illegal and treasonous, considering the high level of matters discussed with non citizens whose alligiance is to States where they are citizens?

5. If non citizens cannot vote in an election, cannot, cannot join any of the State’s armed forces, can’t own Ndangamuntu, where then do they get the previlege to discuss with the head of State, core issues about national interests, which puts them above all personnel in government.

6. What then would be the role of Cabinet and Presidential advisors who are paid tax payers money to do a similar job.

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