I saw Vital Kamerhe’s downfall coming!

I saw Vital Kamerhe’s down fall coming, the moment he started rubbing shoulders with that murder in the name of James Kabarebe, the moment he gave James 30 cows and openly called him his friend.

I knew the spirits of millions of the Congolese people that James,his ,friend has killed will never forgive Kamerhe. You can’t dine with someone who has killed millions of your fellow citizens on top of that you call him your friend and you expect the spirits of those victims to spare you.The spirits have spoken, they have hit you and buried you politically, no resurrection is expected.

Meanwhile, the deal you had with Gisekeramwanzi of taking over présidence when his term comes to and end, ended yesterday. The case is closed and Gisekeramwanzi continues.
I continue mourning millions of Congolese people who have been killed by James Kabarebe, a friend to Vital Kamerhe.

By Jeanne Mukamurenzi

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