If Museveni doesn’t hit back, he will end up like Habyarimana, Laurent Kabila, Col Karegeya and many more!

By: Rpf Gakwerere

INFORMATION FROM A DMI SOURCE: DICTACTOR PAUL KAGAME ORDERS HIS DMI TO START A CAMPAIGN OF REVIVING THE IMAGE OF DOUBLE AGENT KALE KAYIHURA. The terrorist organisation has been ordered by its boss – criminal Paul Kagame to start an operation drive to revive the name of double agent Kale Kayihura.

The organisation which was given a financial boost in 2019/20 financial year, has allocated a significant amount of money to start a promotion campaign on behalf of double agent Kale Kayihura, who is a Kagamist die hard and a personal friend to criminal Paul Kagame.

Double agent Kale Kayihura

According to this source, the promotion and Public Relations drive will take two dimensions:

1) Create insecurity in Uganda as numerous pseudo DMI run social media accounts, attack and criticize the current leadership in Uganda both in political and security for failure to counter insecurity. As for the 3 years, the insecurity in Uganda will be externally orchestrated and logistically sponsored.

2) While causing this insecurity in a sovereign country – Uganda, DMI’s numerous pseudo social media accounts and DMI owned media outlets will be highlighting how double agent Kale Kayihura was a success, and the image of Kale Kayihura will be promoted into a saviour status.

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