Innocent people in the Great Lakes region are going through hard times because of Kagame and his assassin associates.

Innocent people in the greatlakes region are going through hard times because of Criminal Paul Kagame and his assassin associates. Among these people who are going through hard and challenging times are innocent Tutsis that have totally nothing to do with criminal Paul Kagame and his satanic regime, and most of them hating his regime to the core. This grouping is going through challenging time mainly because they are Tutsis and speakers of Kinyarwanda.

To ignorants, they associate Criminal Paul Kagame’s crimes to the whole ethnicity. Criminal Paul Kagame isn’t a representative of all Tutsis, he has never and he will never be, criminal Paul Kagame’s crimes and those of his associates should be put on their heads, not on the head of all Tutsis even those who aren’t yet born or anyone who speaks kinyarwanda.

Since 1981 to present, no one has killed more Tutsis than criminal Paul Kagame, and for anyone to think that this criminal and killer of Tutsis presents Tutsis ethnicity, its totally alarming. The killer of King Kigali V Ndahindurwa represents no single Tutsi.

Criminal Paul Kagame and his associates/DMI have no ethnicity and their ethnicity is blood of innocent people, they have no religion their religion is death, they have no single morality and they are killers. It is totally mental to think that these batch of killers represent the whole ethnicity.

Yes, I totally believe 100% for the total punishment of criminals, especially from Rwanda’s terrorist DMI organisation, but what I can never, never and never support is the call to hunt down anyone speaking Kinyarwanda.

As Counsel Ignace Rusagara said recently, “Kagame is always a threat to all Tutsis, and the people who should be at the forefront to denounce and fight Kagame should be Tutsis.”

By Robert Patrick Fati Gakwerere

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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