By: Spyreport Ug

An ongoing illegal entry of illegal entrants and suspected Rwandan security agents into Uganda using Bunagana borderline with Democratic Republic of Congo in Kisoro has been exposed.

According to a source at Bunagana border point, these illegal entrants most of who are suspected Rwandan security agents commonly known as abajapani are being facilitated to illegally enter into the country by several police officers at Bunagana police station in Bunagana town in Kisoro district together with some boda boda riders.

Prominent points where these people pass through in order to dodge immigration check point at Bunagana border include Kumusozi, Mukibaya and KuGatwe all in Kisoro district.

At all these points, police operates illegal boda boda stages which operate at night to ferry these bajapani to Bunagana to help them to board buses to their destinations in different parts of Uganda and every foreigner helped to sneak into the country to board bus pays USD dodging immigration checks.

What is worrying is that a temporary visa into Uganda costs less than USD 5 but these people are willing to pay USD 200.

They come from Eastern DR Congo currently under Rwanda military control and some speak Kinyarwanda and Kiswahili suspected to be both Rwandese and Congolese. Sources add that after being helped to sneak into the country, their destination is not known.

It is reported that some security authorities at the border are aware about it but have kept a deaf ear because many are the beneficiaries.

Some of the collaborators include a one Geoffrey Niyikiza who was recently arrested for money laundering in Rwanda. Niyikiza is reported to be helping the illegal entrants to sleep at his home and is paid between 500,000/ to 600,000/= to help them board buses.

He also has a team of boda boda riders who ride them to Kabale where they board from sometimes to avoid detection Kisoro because they are not refugees.

Police officers named in this racket include Constable Amon Kazungu and a one officer from crime intelligence called Issa who have reaped fortunes from helping these people. Others are one Nacyo Masudi and a Congolese woman Nyirakabeni who with other young Congolese men are the links with Ugandan counterparts.

Every day, they handle over 10 people and large numbers are always on Tuesday and Friday when it is a market day in Bunagana both Ugandan side and DR Congo side.

This illegal business has been ongoing without attention of relevant security officials.

I was aware of the war simulation where talks were used as shelling operation as ground troupes advance.

It is reported that these Rwandan infiltrators are spreading out in Western Uganda urban centres: Rwentobo, Ntungamo, Rwahi, Sembabule, Mbarara, Kyazanga, Kinoni, Lyantonde, and many others.

“Once there, they blend in well, because they were born and have relatives there. They don’t do anything except to wait for more men and supplies. In the next one year, they will be ready to resume terror attacks”

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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