Instead of fixing the concrete problems of the people, Kagame pays lobbyists to lie about the problems Rwandans are confronted with.

Instead of fixing the concrete problems of the people, Kagame pays lobbyists to lie about the problems Rwandans are confronted with. Nobody hides smoke!!

Which is why ” investors” are duped to believe that the economy is fine! Look at the few building in Kigali; occupancy rate stands at around 20%! This is the reason people default and those “magnificent” buildings are auctioned occasionally… banks in Rwanda have serious liquidity issues.

Now Rwanda’s below 3 months reserves! IMF is planning on emergency rescue of Rwanda’s economy to top up the minimum requirement of 3 months reserve!

Rwanda is the only country in that region that has every required such IMF emergency rescue since independence. However, Kagame’s net worth is $500, richer than all living US presidents and Obama put together.

Oh, Rwanda has earned ” negative” credit rating. Meaning that (1) Rwanda has significantly defaulted on its loans; causing significant losses to its creditors. Rwanda has ” defied” the traditional believe most risk analysts hold that a Sovereign ( country) can never pose serious credit risk (2) Rwanda is a high risk foreign investment destination …

By Dr Charles Kambanda

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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