written by sammy, September 22, 2014
written by sammy, September 22, 2014
Oh Andrew. … Back to your usual kagame syncophancy….As an investigative journalist have you really tried to ascertain the truth in all these allegations against kagame…why are almost all his former comrades, body guards, being arrested or dying in unclear is common knowledge that Kagame is a ruthless dictator but extremely good at keeping up appearances thats why he has hoodwinked many …He actually actually revels in killing…remember his response to the assassination of karegeya( it was shocking !! ..I am sure you very well know the hidden skeletons that Kagame keeps…. There is definately much more to the RPF narrative of the genocide …
written by Marvin ya Kuku, September 22, 2014
Who cares? Americans dont care about Rwanda and millions more Americans will not even know it exists as a country. For those that care, two simple options exist here. One, the president of Rwanda can step up the quality of leadership or two, he can continue as it is. I doubt American newspapers will shut down Kagame’s government – at least not now. But the wheels are already in motion.
written by Musinguzi, September 22, 2014
Andrew, let us agree that PK has scored highly on many fronts especially on service delivery but he needs to greatly improve on political pluralism and acceptance or at least allowing divergent views to hold their own place. May be give us reasons why he is justified to stifle desent but don’t give him the credit he doesn’t have, that is what true friends do.
written by Maceni, September 22, 2014
The ‘Kumbaya-like”soft and boring’ political contestation has a violent and repressive undercurrent – There is a ‘virus’ in Rwanda’s political structure .It’s obvious a parallel system has developed where political adversaries ‘deal’ with each other.You expressed this tendency in many articles; If the mainstream systems stifles a crucial aspect , a parallel one develops to supply that necessary ingredient. There is no legal outlet for adversarial and competitive public political activity in Rwanda –so a political culture has developed where political opponents solve their issues in private by hunting and killing each other .PK’s heavy handedness in enforcing Public ‘Kumbaya’ political activity is directly responsible for the development of this violent parallel system.
written by Ocheto, September 22, 2014
Most people are hard pressed to dispute the historian Lord Acton’s intimation that power corrupts and absolute corrupts absolutely. There are no angels when it comes to any state actors. From that premise and as a journalist you should be asking to what extent a state is corrupt rather than wallowing in doubt as to whether or not it is. But journalists of today having being trained in elite schools are more of cheerleaders to the powerful than skeptical and objective observers and investigators: a word propagandists.
written by Julius M, September 23, 2014
Thank you Andrew for the article well presented. However, for critics they will never be satisfied with all the reasons, logic and good will HE exhibits all the time. Even with what is tangible, seen or proven!!. For Himbara and the like, how come after 20yrs eating, swindling, enjoying govt money and prelividges, its today after being found guilty of amassing wealth, he realises the govt and the H.E are bad?!!& Its shame on him and the like! Neverthess, we are determined to continue with the struggle. No matter for how long and who shouts untill Rwanda is free of corrupt fellows, and opportunists. Thx
written by SD, September 23, 2014
Prime Minister Sacked, Senate President resignation, Cabinet shuffled three times in three years……since you are now a Rwandan insider Mwenda, is all in order in my country………I need to wake up feeling that my children’s future is upto me and them and not to the above kind of politics…..
written by Jesus MWENDA, September 23, 2014
Dear andrew,
but you are a ggod of the man,tell him what he is doing for his brothers in lac rweru now and in the east DRC?Give him some odse of conseilling he will listen you,???????And NAPOLEON?
but you are a ggod of the man,tell him what he is doing for his brothers in lac rweru now and in the east DRC?Give him some odse of conseilling he will listen you,???????And NAPOLEON?