Is Kagame unwell and seeking some kind of medical treatment in Israel, which he doesn’t want people to know?

How Can A President Sneak Out Of A Country Without Informing His Employers – In This Case Rwandan People?. President Paul Kagame and his wife Madam Jeannette Nyiramongi Kagame jetted into Israel on Sunday, July 9, 2017. There has been no announcement in Rwanda about the Kagames trip to Israel. Israeli newspapers have described the Kagames’ trip as “state visit.” The attached photos show the Kagames after landing in Israel.

So why the secrecy? Why sneak out of Rwanda without informing the Rwandan taxpayers who charter the Gulfstream jet from Crystal Ventures to transport Kagame? Taxpayers who pay for presidential suites for Kagame known to consume $20,000.00 a night?

I can only speculate about the secrecy for this visit.

1) Could be that Kagame does not want to offend Arab nations that he has been trying to befriend in the recent past, including Morocco that is set to invest in Rwanda?

2) Could it be that Kagame is unwell and is seeking some kind of medical treatment which he doesn’t want people to know?

3) Is he ashamed of making so many foreign trips while university teachers in Rwanda have not received salaries in the past two months?

4) Is this about lobbying? My friend #JeanClaudeKarake says that Kagame badly wants to meet Trump. “If Kagame can get the meeting, he would reassure his die-hard followers that everything is ok no matter what crazy things are going on in Rwanda. Meeting Trump would appease his base and Kagame believes he can get to Trump through Netanyahu.”

I don’t know the answer – but even by Kagame standards, what is going on is strange.

Stay tuned.

By David Himbara

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