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Jack Nziza is to replace Francois Ngarambe as Secretary General of the RPF

News circulating within RPF inner circle and info has also been picked by senior RNC cadres, is that, after the already rigged and sham presidential election, Ugandan General – Jack Nziza is to replace Francois Ngarambe as Secretary General of the RPF. Gen. Jack Nziza, the former blue eyed boy of Paul Kagame was recently retired from the army and put on agatebe (joblessness.) If this info turns to be true, the ramification will be unprecedented to both the RPF and the Country.

This won’t be like any other appointment especially when you consider Gen Jack Nziza’s work history and ethics, his personality and character. This would be the mother of all appointments in the history of the RPF which was completely hijacked in 2000 by Paul Kagame.

On the part of criminal Paul Kagame, appointing Gen Jack Nziza as RPF’s Secretary General would be a bold move. More analysis once Kagame decides to appoint Gen Jack Nziza. At the moment, it’s merely speculation within Kagame’s inner circle who are reeling and scared for the return of Kagame’s prodigal son – Gen Jack Nziza.

By Rpf Gakwerere

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