What a joke! Kagame continue to ridicule himself by seeking life for Lt. Mutabazi

Military Prosecution seeks life for Lt. Mutabazi

Prosecution is seeking a life sentence for Lt. Joel Mutabazi in the ongoing RNC-FDLR terror trial currently taken place at the Military High Court in Kanombe.

Mutabazi is standing trial alongside 15 other co-accused.

Prosecution has charged him with eight counts; the formation of an armed group, conspiracy against the President, terrorism, conspiracy against the established government, spreading false information with intent to create hostile international opinion against the Rwandan government, illegal possession of firearms and desertion.

“All these charges constitute a set of crimes and it’s on this that we request a life sentence for Lt Mutabazi and the stripping of his military rank,” asked the military prosecutor, Lt Faustin Nzakamwita.

Mutabazi has pleaded innocent of all counts.

Details to follow…


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