Kagame can attack Burundi or Congo but attacking Uganda would be like committing a suicide!

Breaking intelligence: Uganda is on high alert at the all Borders as Intelligence gathered information shows that there is an ongoing ready plan to attack Uganda.

The UPDF has been put on high alert following information the a section of commandos plan to quickly hit Uganda, security information seen by the Informant shows that Kalangala is the main target and the motive is to hit tourists visiting and the civilians population this will badly impact on Uganda’s Tourism Industry, be reminded of Kagame’s comments this very month “we will make it costly those against us”

Attacking RPA commandos have a plan to land at three landing sites in Kalagala carry out a on hour mission and thereafter run back to Rwanda through Tanzania using lake Victoria to access Kalangala Island, this way no one will suspect that Uganda has been attacked by a foreign country specifically Rwanda since that part has no direct access.

The enemy who is identified as Rwandan special elite commandos believes that Uganda’s weakest link is at waters, they have analyzed our marine forces and noted that since there has no been a major activity in so many years guards are sleepy and they can be caught off guard, in any case the waters are rarely guarded and difficult during the night. Kagame is a master of catching his opponents unaware (swaame)

Recently Pilato aka Kagame issued a warning to those he claimed supported rebel activities and his opponents that it going to become costly, a week after Burundi was attacked and attackers run back to Rwanda. The Rwandan media claimed RNC rebels had held a meeting in Uganda, this claim was denied by the Ugandan Government spokesperson.

As events unfold the Rwandan administration pulled out from CECAFA football tournament claiming it wasn’t safe for their players to travel to Uganda, as if they knew they would attack Uganda very soon making it difficult for their players this definitely costs Uganda revenue.

The latest intelligence brief has alarmed Uganda security with mission links to Ugandan security outlining a ready plans to attack.

Attached are mission plans printout as printed to security chiefs.

By Seruga Titus

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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