Kagame Govt Was Forced To Announce The Covid19 Case By The Dutch Embassy’s Disclosure Of The Case

Kagame Govt Was Forced To Announce The Covid19 Case By The Dutch Embassy’s Disclosure Of The Case

By David Himbara

The regime of General Paul Kagame should never be trusted on any matter. A case in point is the arrival of Coronavirus in Rwanda. The regime announced the first Covid19 case in Rwanda on March 14, 2020. But the Embassy of the Netherlands had already announced the case on March 12, 2020 — two days before the government of Rwanda. 

Some media houses immediately published the Dutch Embassy’s revelations. In other words, the regime could not hide the case once the Dutch revealed it and the media published the story. How the Dutch discovered the case remains a mystery.

Be that as it may, Rwandans and the world community must thank the Embassy of the Netherlands for revealing the case, thereby forcing the Kagame regime to publicly announce the case. Were it not for the Dutch action, we may never have known about the case.

The regime is currently obsessed with only one thing — the hosting of the Commonwealth Heads of State and Government Meeting (CHOGM) in June 2020. And that is precisely why the regime would want to hide bad news, such as the arrival of the Coronavirus in Rwanda.

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