Since 1990 to this day, Kagame has been killing and jailing Rwandan males, both Hutus and Tutsis who don’t fit in the RPF ideology. The outcomes have been such bad to Rwandan society that women outnumbered men to the rate of 1 man/10 women.

When Kagame became President in 2000, he remarked that sex gap between men and women. To palliate to the problem, Kagame promoted women to a higher social status and he robbed men of their God-given authority over women.

Since then, Rwandan families became total chaos. Women started to behave as though there were no domestic ethics that regulate the conjugal life. They extravagantly praised Kagame as their god and they rose a stiff neck to their husbands. No man ever darst to reprimand his wife again for the fear of ending in prison & tomb.

Maybe the outside world thinks that Kagame has promoted women, but he did it all to lure Rwandan women into forgetting the anguish, widowhood, orphanage and other losses he caused them.

By Winston Washington

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