Kagame has signed off a plan to assassinate Major General Abel Kandiho and other top military officials.

Rwanda targets Major General Abel Kandiho, Pilato aka Kagame signs off a plan to assassinate him and other top military officials. There is a social media campaign originating from Rwanda that is designed to defend Kaka Bagyenda the former ISO as a good man, this same campaign attacks General Saleh, General Museveni, Major General Kandiho and Brigadier General CK Assimwe for reasons best known to the operators.

The partnership between Major General Kandiho and Brigadier CK in CMI led to mass operations against Rwandan cells operating in Uganda, a general clean up of criminals in the Uganda Police force, prosecution of errant police and army officers.

Paul Kagame aka Pilato got to the moment of making ridiculous demands that the President of the Republic of Uganda and Commander in Chief CIC fires both Abel and CK, instead the President promoted CK from the rank of Col to Brigadier General and later moved him to head counter terrorism Avery new Unity with specialism counter terrorism operations.

In July the Major General Abel Kandiho authorised raids on ISO safe houses arresting errant ISO high value operatives like Simon Peter and Lt Juuko, Simon Peter was behind intelligence forgeries and lots of extortion schemes while Lt Juuko had long been a criminal operating under Kaka Watch and protection, many other agents will be arrested in the near future.

Kaka tried to meet the President who had earlier warned him to clean up his house or else he will do the needful, the President had received credible reports that Kaka and his team were fabricating reports blackmailing individuals starting from army officers to private citizens, some of these reports were undermining Uganda’s security others were undermining the integrity of private citizens, these reports undermining Uganda’s security were seen to be in favour of Rwanda since they were authored at the climax of the border conflict.

A highly Credible intelligence source from Rwanda confessed that indeed Kaka had been compromised by Rwanda to recruit DISO’s at borders areas that were heavily influenced by Rwanda, Kaka also recruited handpicked agents working closely in his office, this included Lukyamuzi aka Hussien Kidega on Facebook, Aganyira Peter, Odong Simon Peter, Mbabazi Marry, his Son Kevin, Sobi, Juuko and finally the killer and master planner Paul Taremwa known to be the most lethal, all these boys were going around committing crimes ranging from extortion, robberies, blackmail etc. Their most recent act was the blackmail of Balaam the promoter by faking up a rape case of one Patricia to extort him of millions, Balaam quickly wrote to the president and SFC had to swing in action quietly arresting three.

Kaka failed to run an intelligence institution hands down, his most recent cooperation with Rwanda in mishandling the Kibalama saga to embarrass NRM ending what could be a clean case into court drama, Kaka trusted his boy Paul Taremwa to manage a simple matter in which he was supposed to only provide security to Kibalama, Paul Taremwa then got involved in the legal matters trying to influence Kibalama only for the mission to fail miserably, this mission was never authorised, in his position as DG he could have known that Kibalama was not stable enough to make statements, in any case kibalama didn’t need to make affidavits he only needed to stay way from the process.

Kibalama had been disgruntled, his promises with Bobi Wine had gone bad, he only needed handling, Paul and Kaka wanted to get audience from the President instead the President was briefed that the two were a liability, president Museveni had received criminal reports implicating Kaka, the President made it clear that any officer that involves himself on crimes such as murder will be prosecuted, Kaka is not safe.

Rwanda’s Paul Taremwa and Kaka were pushed out of office and not allowed to pick even a single document, Kaka spent most of ISO’s cash in Fang Fang where he occasionally met with Rwandese intelligence personnel posing as informers, Kaka was replaced by the same people he put on Katebe, the same people Kaka called useless in ISO little did he know that the President was issuing the same people tasks in the field, they were promoted by the President himself after some good work.
Rwanda’s intelligence has quickly gone on the offensive in defend of Kaka while blackmailing Kandiho as if their opinion matters to Uganda’s security.

As far as Uganda is concerned Kandiho and his team delivered, they have given us value, we no longer have murders of Rwandese Refugees on our streets, we no longer have high profile murders designed to create insecurity in Uganda, we don’t have police officers and military officers involved in high profile crimes, those small groups that still exist are being arrested and prosecuted, there is coordination between Police and CMI.

Rwanda must be very careful, another provocation of Uganda will lead to serious action from Uganda, General Museveni already issued an order to his military to retaliate immediately they are provoked.

By Seruga Titus

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