Kagame junta has appointed little known – pathologically shy – Madam Nkuranga Lynder, chief of external intelligence.

Within Kagame’s inner circle, Nkuranga Lynder is know as the “commander” of the “girls brigade” or Kigali “marines”.

The “girls brigade” or Kigali “marines”, are selected beautiful Rwandan girls (spies), Kagame uses to collect intelligence info from foreign dignitaries and high profile Rwandans, locally and internationally.

A significant number of foreign dignitaries have Kigali “maries” for girl friend(s) or wife (wives).

Nkuranga Lynder is close to Kagame’s wife and daughter; she’s not close to Kagame.

Lynder’s husband, John Nyanvumba, is Gen. Patrick Nyanvumba’s brother. Kagame fired Gen Pateick Nyanvumba recently. A couple of months ago, Kagame fired John Nyanvumba (Lynder’s husband), who was in charge of communication / hacking in Kagame’s office.

Lynder’s husband has another brother, Robert Nyanvumba. Robert Nyanvumba, Lynder’s brother in law, is in prison (Mageregere) for allegedly listening to radio itahuka, an opposition party radio.

1. Does Nkuranga Lynder’s appointment mean that the Nyanvumbas are back to power or Lynder played some role in the Nyanvumbas downfall?

2. Is Kagame junta set to rely on Kigali “marines” politics and/or “diplomacy”?

3. What does Kagame expect from little known (local) Nkuranga Lynder, as external intelligence chief?

4. Why would Kagame appoint little-known – pathologically shy – Nkuranga Lynder as chief of external intelligence?

5. Kagame is obsessed with intelligence. He normally appoints high profile military officers for such jobs. Why did Kagame appoint this unknown, shy police officer, with no military intelligence background?

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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