Kagame must be laying ground to fire Sezibera

Richard Sezibera

Professor Charles Kambanda :

The truth is that about three weeks ago, an NGO, based in Israel, took Sezibera to Israel for treatment.

I have it on good authority that Sezibera was laboring with progressive paralysis. The Gov of Rwanda allegedly did not have money to send its Ministers abroad for treatment. When this foreign NGO made an offer to its friend, Sezibera, Kagame had no choice but to let Sezibera go to Israel.

This photo is not “fake”. However, the photo is good evidence that Sezibera is fighting for his life.

Why did they drag Sezibera to the Embassy for a photo? Kagame probably wants to replace Sezibera. Kagame was hesitant to replace him amidst speculations that Sezibera had disappeared. Now that the junta has this miserable picture of Sezibera out there, Kagame must be laying ground to fire Sezibera. After firing him, Kagame will make sure Sezibera is returned to Rwanda.

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