kagame on NRM: “ We shall go into their homes and hit them hard. We shall hit them hard, tena sana.”

By Gakwerere

Criminal Paul Kagame, “these kiruhura boys are joking, they are joking, I am going to decimate them and I mean it. They will see real war not war games. Those you have replaced had built enough capacity towards war preparations, some of you here know progress of these preparations. It’s no longer about Kandiho, Tumukunde or Saleh, it’s about the whole NRM system especially stubborn boys from Kiruhura. We need to discipline them, and we shall not discipline them as we did to Kazini or Mayombo; we shall go into their homes and hit them hard. We shall hit them hard, tena sana.”

The above was said during the night of 12th Nov 19, in a meeting at Village Urugwiro were criminal Paul Kagame met few of the newly appointed military officials of his personalised army – RDF, and the senior military officers who attended the meeting were Gen Jean Bosco Kazura the new Chief of defence staff, Brig Gen Ruki Karusisi a military novice who leads criminal Paul Kagame’s special forces, Brig Gen Vincent Nyakarundi head of DMI now rebranded as Defence Intelligence, Maj Gen Joseph Nzabamwita – the head of National Intelligence and Security Service and assassin Brig Gen Dan Munyuza – the Inspector General of criminal Paul Kagame’s brutal police force.

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