Kagame orders his notorious intelligence service – DMI to delete two article they had posted on TAARIFA attacking Min Busingye and Min Gatete.

Kagame orders his notorious intelligence service - DMI to delete two article. they had posted on TAARIFA attacking Min Busingye and Min Gatete.

By: Rpf Gakwerere

DICTATOR PAUL KAGAME ORDERS HIS NOTORIOUS INTELLIGENCE SERVICE – DMI TO DELETE TWO ARTICLES THEY HAD POSTED IN THEIR ATTACK MOUTH PIECE – TAARIFA. One has to appreciate the level of ineptness and idiocy of criminal Paul Kagame and his goons. Blood of innocent people has overshadowed the little reasoning they may have.

Taarifa which is owned and controlled by Rwanda’s Directorate of Military Intelligence splashed two huge headline today morning, 1) “President Kagame roasts justice minister Busingye at RPF meeting.” 2) “Kagame unleashes RIB, police to interrogate minister Gatete.”

These two articles were deleted from Taarifa website within four hours of releasing/posting them. These articles were written and released under instructions of Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) and Office of Government Spokesperson which is controlled by Ange Kagame. The articles are part of the usual trend that oppressed and enslaved Rwandans are familiar with, the trend of imaging the bloodthirsty dictator as incorruptible ruler and aggrandising his image. However, this time, the usual public relation scam didn’t go as they wished. The brutal dictator personally ordered the articles to be deleted.

These two Articles praised Kagame on how his handling corruption in the country, and how Kagame questioned and roasted the justice minister in his failure to fight corruption in the country. The articles looked at what was said during an RPF executive committee meeting which was held on 26th June 20, at RPF headquarter in Rusororo.

The articles touched on how criminal Paul Kagame shamed corrupt officials making them to stand in-front of RPF executive committee members who attended the meeting. The article mentioned how dictator Paul Kagame humiliated the current minister of infrastructure Clever Gatete, his brother – notorious assassin Gen Emmanuel Gasana and Jean Marie Vianney, referring them as corrupt officials who needs to be in prison. The articles noted how dictator Paul Kagame called the police to start investigating infrastructure minister – Clever Gatete.

For those who have followed criminal Paul Kagame for long, know very well his theatrical games, comedies and plays for oppressed and enslaved citizens. No single embezzlement that goes within government ministries without the approval of dictator Paul Kagame or his estranged wife Jeannette Kagame. Dictator Paul Kagame and his estranged wife – Jeannette Kagame are the single most individuals who have embezzled the potato enclave (Rwanda) to its knees.

Knowing very well that what he said during RPF executive committee meeting was a mere theatrical acting for unsuspecting gullible, the brutal dictator instructed his intelligence operatives to delete these two articles that were written on how his fighting high level corruption. In Rwanda, corruption starts with the Kagames and ends with the Kagames.

Dictator Paul Kagame and his family control more than 70% of business transactions in the country. The Kagames control the banking sector, hospitality sector, majority shareholders in all 4 to 5 star hotels, industrial sector, large scale agricultural and diary farming, forex bureaus, travel (Rwandair, private executive jets and Cargo), real estate – properties, mineral from DR Congo, petroleum import and distribution, private schools, construction…etc. The Kagames control all sectors of the economy, and any competitor is either exiled, imprisoned or eliminated and their wealth grabbed, case study, Assinapol Rwigara, Bertin Makuza, Tribert Rujugiro, Gaspard Milimo..etc.

Below, are links of articles deleted under direct orders of potato enclave’s bloodthirsty dictator – Criminal Paul Kagame.



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