Kagame practices another law which says: “Do to others before they do unto you” – A law that’s straight from hell.

Kagame’s Tourism Earnings Remain Comparatively Low Despite His Mega Investments

By Gideon Rukundo Rugari


1. He starts off by calling President Museveni’s leadership decisions as “What is more nonsense”, we all don’t have to know English well, however, it’s important to note that’s not how English is spoken. This is for the benefit of young people who may take Paul Kagame’s English to be correct.

Truth is, you can’t put a pronoun before a noun. A pronoun replaces a noun. When used together, the noun must turn into an adjective: “What is more nonsensical” was the correct English to use Mr Kagame…. I digress.

2. Paul Kagame who has killed millions and boisterously used such killings to warn the rest of the world quotes from the Bible!
Who is my neighbour? Jesus was askes this question by q lawyer who wanted to make it difficult to define a neighbor so he may not have any neighbors and any responsibility to love. Luke 10: 29
This is when Jesus told the story of the good Samaritan Luke 10: 30-36

When Jesus was done he asked the clever Lawyer in verse 36:

“Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves?

And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise. Verse 37.

The question that Paul Kagame cannot answer is; between:
a). Major General Fred Rwigema,
b). Major Peter Bayingana
c). Major Chris Bunyenyeziakor
d). Captain Vadeste Kayitare,
e). Col Charles Ngoga,
f). Seth Sendashonga,
g). Assiel Kabera,
h). Col Theoneste Lizinde,
i). Dr Emmanuel Gasakure(his physician),
j). Major Dieudonne Kayitare ( his driver), and many others who were killed by his hand, and Yoweri Museveni, President of another Republic called Uganda, who should have been Paul Kagame’s neighbour?

If the above people worked with & for him to be President of Rwanda, and some helped them consolidate power, they obviously did good deeds in his life. However, all of them died by his hand.

It seems to me that Paul Kagame practices another law which says: “Do to others before they do unto you” – A law that’s straight from hell.

Why does he want Uganda to fall victim to the law he practices by preaching the more righteous one?

3. Let’s have one individual Rwandan that Ugandan authorities have harmed. Uganda is home to millions of Rwandans, they are leaving more happily now than when they were being hunted down.

4. I think we need a referendum here in Rwanda and ask all Rwandans where they want to stay; assuming the election process is free and fair.

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