Kagame Regime Charges US$50 for COVID19 Testing In an Impoverished Country Where 92% Live on Less Than US$5.50 a Day

General Paul Kagame lives in the world of Gulfstream jets, Range Rovers, and lakeside farms. He does not care about the 12.9 million Rwandans he rules, most of whom are dirt-poor. This explains why his regime charges US$50 for Covid19 testing. At the poverty headcount ratio of US$5.50 a day, 92 percent of Rwandans are poor, per the International poverty line.

Kagame lives in the world of Gulfstream jets, Range Rovers, and lakeside farms.

Today I visited the website of the Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC). Then I noticed this – it costs US$50 to have COVID19 testing. The equivalent in the Rwandan currency is RWF50,276.

This is insane. Does General Paul Kagame live in Rwanda? If he did, he would know that few, if any, have that kind of money. Kagame lives in the world of Gulfstream jets, Range Rovers, and lakeside farms. He does not give a damn about the people of Rwanda, most of whom are impoverished. Let us remind the Rwandan strongman that at the poverty ratio rate of US$5.50 a day, 92 percent of Rwandans are poor per the international poverty line. Put another way, only 8 percent of Rwandans are not poor. Kagame decidedly despises the 12.9 million Rwandans he rules with an iron fist – here is the proof, if any were needed.

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