Kagame, The Fall of James Musoni, And The Rise Of Inès Mpambara

By David Himbara

As we all know, all dictators world-over have their righthand men or women. Rwanda’s Paul Kagame is no exception. In Kagame’s case, it was James Musoni who played this role since the early 2000s. Musoni became so powerful, and was even more feared than Kagame himself.

Musoni considered himself as a successor to Kagame.

And as Kagame’s righthand man, Musoni was nasty. Directly and indirectly, Musoni controlled everything in Rwanda on Kagame’s behalf. He was one-man appointing committee supporting Kagame to recruit even cabinet ministers. Musoni delivered emotional speeches to motivate and mobilize Rwandans for Kagame — and destroyed careers and businesses of so many people he disliked. But now he is a dead man walking. Kagame just dumped him into the dustbin. FULL STORY


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