By Seruga Titus

Museveni vs Kagame: On 05/08/17 Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba tweeted a congratulatory message to Pilato upon winning the elections, in the Tweet Muhoozi referred to Pilato as “my friend”, Pilato never liked, replied or retweeted, this meant that he had perceived being called a friend as condescending (Agasuzuguro)

That was before Kayihura was fired and his team moles uprooted by the indomitable Brig Kandiho and Kaka.

Fast forward to Uganda’s Independence Day and Muhoozi tweeted a very telling tweet to those who have eyes and brains, the tweet read in part “Nobody can defeat Uganda, this is God’s country. Whoever dares will be crushed to dust…” Five days later on 14/10/19 Muhoozi reiterated “I can assure whoever thinks of messing with Uganda will get a very bad day……”

To ordinary people, these tweets don’t mean much, but to those of us who have been following events closely, we are now sure that the relations between Uganda and Rwanda will never be good until Museveni kills Paul Kagame or vice versa.

Despite several reports of Pirato wanting to colonize Uganda by installing a puppet regime, Muhoozi had naively trusted Kayihura but as time has gone by he has now realized the threat posed by Pilato.

Muhoozi is now briefed about Pilato’s working with ADF in DRC, its coroboration with ISIS in Cabo Delgado in Mozambique, its amassing of forces in Ituri and North Kivu of DRC.

Muhoozi has seen evidence of assasination plots by Pilato of his father, etc etc. In brief the situation is beyond control at the moment.

I will be here to update you as the situation unfolds.

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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