KAGAME aka PILATO’s DRC PLAN FAILS. On Friday 25th October 2019 Uganda refused to sign an MoU in Goma DRC and now MONUSCO has also pulled out the MoU. Leila Zerrougui, the head of the U.N.’s DR Congo peacekeeping mission MONUSCO, said the organization could not lend support to foreign forces intervening in the country.
“We have no mandate to support foreign forces who enter the DRC,” she said on the U.N. station Radio Okapi.

“Our mandate is to support the Congolese army.” “The best way to protect the civilian population is to restore state authority, to restore justice, the police and the army,”

Kagame deployed in DRC and massacred innocent Banyamulenge working with his allies i.e. Mai Mai and Red Tabara in the Minembwe.

Kagame then came up with a plan to whitewash his crimes against humanity by convincing DRC to form a joint operation to attack all rebels in Eastern DRC. Uganda, Burundi, Tanzania, Rwanda, DRC, AFRICOM(US), MONUSCO (UN) were all supposed to sign an MOU Friday 27th Oct 2019.

The problem started when Uganda’s Commander Land Forces Lt Gen Peter Elweru noticed that Rwanda wanted permission to operate in areas of DRC bordering Uganda such North of Lake Albert in North Kivu and Ituri provinces, these are the areas that are occupied by ADF and MTM which Rwanda is currently supporting. MTM is the local Franchise of Daesh or ISIS headed by Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi.

As I was writing this, news coming in shows that Al Baghdadi has been killed by US forces in Syria. This is very bad news for Kagame because he had established good relationship with ISIS using his newly appointed Ambassador to Morocco Sheikh Saleh Habimana.

Kagame through Gen Dan Munyuza had already helped MTM/ISIS to establish bases in the Cabo Delgado areas of Mozambique.

So the last 3 days have been a disaster for Kagame’s evil terrorist plans, the Goma MOU collapsed and his allies the ISIS have lost their leader.

The informant will keep you posted on these stories as they develop.

By Seruga Titus

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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