Kagame’s Extraordinary Rendition of Rusesabagina Makes the Rwandan Strongman Damaged Goods in the US, a Country that Is his Main Political Supporter and Top Aid-Donor

By David Himbara

General Paul Kagame was America’s favourite strongman since Bill Clinton when the US became Kagame’s leading political supporter and top aid-donor. Paul Rusesabagina’s abduction and show trial have changed that. This is how the US government describes the Rusesabagina episode: “The United States is concerned by the Government of Rwanda’s conviction of U.S. lawful permanent resident Paul Rusesabagina…We have consistently highlighted the importance of respect for all applicable legal protections throughout these proceedings and have raised concerns that these protections were not addressed in an impartial manner consistent with Rwanda’s international commitments.” Kagame is damaged goods in the country that previously stood by him no matter what. Stay tuned.

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