Jeanette Kajuga Nzirorera Gasana Kagame and her children in San Francisco. The picture below was taken at Ivan Cyomoro Kagame’s owned property – flat in San Francisco. The Kagames are on a family spending spree courtesy of oppressed Rwandan tax payers.
In all their travels, they always use private jets and expensive hotel suites. It is a family living like rulers from the petroleum rich nation, not a banana Republic.
Since the 8th/05/2018; thet have been in Boston massachusetts where they have business interests especially in housing properties, New york, San Francisco – Carlifonia.
Rwanda is being devastated by floods, infrastructures destroyed, people displaced, more than 200 registered dead and hunger ravaging the country; while their ruler and his family are trotting the world. Criminal Paul Kagame hasn’t even bothered to console the affected citizens.
To Kagame, Rwanda is a personal property and Rwandans are his personal slaves. It is a master – slave relationship. And he doesn’t give a damn to what happens to his slaves.
By Rpf Gakwerere