A few months to the expiry of his contract in November, the police chief, Gen Kale Kayihura, has written to the Police Authority, begging for a contract renewal.
Kayihura’s contract expires on November 10, 2014.
In his eight-page letter dated July 17, 2014, the police chief says the force still needs his leadership because it has reached a delicate phase that requires continuity (see full letter). “The major challenges are to acquire a critical mass of personnel, and minimum number and variety of equipment to build a modern and effective institution. In particular, we have the task of building modern and effective policing systems,” he writes.
The Police Authority is the highest decision-making organ of the Uganda Police Force. It is chaired by the IGP. However, when a matter concerning the IGP comes up for consideration, the secretary to the authority takes charge. Alfred Ongom, a police commissioner, currently occupies this role. Insider police sources told The Observer yesterday that the authority is supposed to initiate the process of renewing Kayihura’s contract.
Once the Authority is satisfied with the performance of the IGP, it writes to the president seeking his/her approval for a contract renewal. Once the president approves the renewal, parliament does further vetting. Kayihura has served as IGP since November 2005. Should his contract be renewed, he would get a third term and inarguably become the longest-serving IGP in recent times. In the improbable event that the contract is not renewed, Kayihura could be redeployed back in the army. Kayihura still serves as a military assistant to the president.
There has been speculation that the police chief could replace the departing Allen Kagina at Uganda Revenue Authority. Earlier, police sources said Kayihura had notified close associates that he would soon be moved. Other security sources told The Observer months ago that President Museveni planned to transfer Kayihura but they were not sure to where. FULL STORY