Kizito Mihigo: Do your part.. we all can’t write, we all can’t sing but we all can make a change.

Mimi Kagabo

A month ago, the unthinkable happened. We all know that killings in our country have taken many but sometimes we think that if you are known and loved, imprisonment would be their ultimate solution because they can be afraid of how the world would react.

Nop, they didn’t sit and think a story to give, they came up with a window and bedsheets like it’s a made up story of tooth fairies and Santa!
What a shame! It’s been a horrible month, I know time goes slow when hell happens.

People crawl before they walk, before an end to this happens, we at least have to agree that some of us played a role in this. Not the Same role Jack Nziza or those big names played but we clapped, we were in denial for so long and we are still scared to even say something!

As we are all in quarantine in different parts of the world, let me ask you this? Isn’t this a slap in the face for you who dared to contact many of us, asking us to be quiet so that our families can live in peace (I call it unthinkable hell kuko umbwiye kubaho ntavuga icyo ntekereza nahitamo urupfu)!

Ibizatwica ntituzabihamagara, mureke twe kuba ba mpemuke ndamuke. Do your part.. we all can’t write, we all can’t sing but we all can make a change.

Rest in Peace Kizito, thank you for a great legacy, we are working on it a day at a time. We will make you proud.

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