Let Not One Claim That Kagame Is Not Transparent About His Political And Economic Agenda And Timelines

The just concluded National Dialogue has enabled Kagame to clarify his political and economic agenda up to 2050. The gentlemen has clearly mapped the next 34 years. Let no Rwandan claim that she or he is unaware of Kagame grand plan.

Here are the highlights of Kagame roadmap.

In 2017, Kagame who will be 60 years old, will begin his Third Term. He will have already ruled Rwanda indirectly and directly for 23 years.

The year 2017 is also the beginning of implementing Rwanda Vision 2050 – meaning that Kagame will begin his agenda of uplifting the country from its current low-income status of $697 per capita income.

Fast forward to 2035; according to Vision 2050, Rwanda will have become an upper middle income nation. An upper middle-income economy is defined by the World Bank as a country with a gross nation income (GNI) per capita between $4,036 and $12,475.

In order to continue transforming Rwanda, Kagame who will have amended the Constitution in 2034. That is when Kagame should step down, according to current constitution. Kagame will still be a young man of 77 years when begins a new term.

Kagame will then press ahead towards 2050, at which point Rwanda will have joined high-income economies, according to Vision 2050 – which is defined as countries with a GNI per capita of $12,476 or more.

Kagame will then be aged 93 years – still in a great shape ready to continue improving the lives of his countrymen and women.

Will Kagame make it you reckon?

By David Himbara

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