Mimi Kagabo: I have always been an activist but I never received so much hate, appreciation and love until I started speaking about Rwanda.

I remember thinking that being a mother was enough for me. All I wanted was to provide and care for them. I thought being in a country that allowed me to meet our needs and wants, to travel the world and come back to a peaceful home was enough.

But then one day, I realized that there’s a day you are born, a day you will die and all days in between. But the most important day in all of them is the day you realize that you have a purpose on earth. Not just to exist and die but to make a difference that can be recognized or not but one that melts your heart.

I have always been an activist. For LGBTQ for first nations, and minority. I never received so much hate, appreciation and love until I started speaking about Rwanda. I lost friends and family members but I stayed true to who I am as a person.

I am writing this post not to brag or tell any other story other than to say this publicly. I ain’t backing up. Try everything humanly possible to stop me but you ain’t going to stop this burning greatness that I feel inside me at the end of every day. I can lose it all as long as I find me. I am a better parent and best story teller to my children because I am living life at it’s fullest.

I am a better daughter to my wonderful mother because I realize how lucky I am to have an understanding one. I am a better sister to the siblings who accepted me as I am because I know what it feels like to have one who cuts you off. I am a better friend to those who stayed and continue to be in my life because I realized how tiring it is to have fake ones…

I am Mireille ABEWE and I am not stopping anytime soon.

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