Murigande is no longer the Ambassador to Japan according to the Cabinet Meeting chaired by Kagame on Fri, 20 March 2015

On Friday, 20 March 2015, an extraordinary Cabinet Meeting chaired by His Excellency the President of the Republic, Paul KAGAME, convened in Village URUGWIRO.

The Cabinet Meeting started by welcoming the new Minister of Sports and Culture, Hon. UWACU Julienne.

1. The Cabinet Meeting approved its earlier decisions of 13 February 2015, after minor adjustments.

2. The Cabinet Meeting was briefed about the progress of preparations for the 21 st commemoration of Genocide against the Tutsi and provided guidance thereon.

3. The Cabinet Meeting approved the National Cyber Security Policy.

4. The Cabinet Meeting approved the National Housing Policy for the Republic of Rwanda.

5. The Cabinet Meeting approved the National Energy Policy and Updated Energy Sector Strategic Plan.

6. The Cabinet Meeting approved the initial report regarding the implementation of the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of Persons with disabilities (UNCRPD).

7. The Cabinet Meeting approved the following Draft Laws:

  • Draft Law establishing and governing Maternity Leave Benefits Scheme in Rwanda;
  • Draft Law authorizing the ratification of the grant agreement signed in Kigali, Rwanda, on 06/03/2015, between the Republic of Rwanda and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) and International Development Agency (IDA), acting as Administrator of the Rwanda Agriculture Programme for Results Multi-Donor Trust Fund, relating to the grant of USD 50, 600, 000 for the transformation of Agriculture Sector Programme Phase III;
  • Draft Law authorizing the ratification of the agreement signed in London, United Kingdom, on 22nd December 2014, between the Republic of Rwanda and Barbados, for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income;
  • Draft Law authorizing the ratification of the agreement signed in Singapore, Republic of Singapore, on 26th August 2014, between the Republic of Rwanda and the Republic of Singapore, for the avoidance of taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income;
  • Draft Law modifying and complementing Law No 12/2009 of 26/05/2009 relating to commercial recovery and settling of issues arising from insolvency, as modified and complemented to date;
  • Draft Law modifying and complementing Law No 07/2010 of 27/04/2009 relating to companies as modified and complemented to date;
  • Draft Law governing commemoration ceremonies and memorials of the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda;
  • Draft Law on protection of cultural heritage and traditional knowledge;
  • Draft Law authorizing the ratification of the agreement of Rwanda to be a member of “Global Green Growth Institute” GGGI;
  • Draft Law modifying and complementing the Law No 55/2011 of 14/12/2014 governing Roads in Rwanda;
  • Draft Law on petroleum exploitation and production;
  • Draft Law regulating the preservation of air quality and prevention of air pollution in Rwanda;
  • Law modifying and complementing Law No 71/2013 of 10/09/2013 establishing University of Rwanda (UR) and determining its Mission, Powers, Organisation and Functioning.

8. The Cabinet Meeting approved the following Orders:

  • Presidential Order governing modalities for recruitment, appointment and nomination of public servants, after some amendment;
  • Presidential Order establishing special statute governing staff of University of Rwanda (UR);
  • Prime Minister’s Order determining Supervising Authority of University of Rwanda and its category, the Organization, Functioning and Responsibilities of its Organs;
  • Prime Minister’s Order determining the amount of funeral indemnity for a deceased public servant;
  • Prime Minister’s Order establishing the Inter-Ministerial Committee responsible for fighting against illicit use of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors and determining its organization and functioning;
  • Prime Minister’s Order granting a leave of absence for non-specific period to Mr MICO NTUNGA Patrick, who was Director of Monitoring of Gender Mainstreaming Unit in Gender Monitoring Office (GMO);
  • Prime Minister’s Order granting a leave of absence for non-specific period to Dr. NYATANYI Thierry, who was a Division Manager for Epidemic Surveillance and Response Division in Rwanda Biomedical Centre (RBC);
  • Prime Minister’s Order dismissing Mr NDENGEYINGOMA Noël, who was a Prosecutor at the Intermediate Level, due to serious misconduct at work;
  • Ministerial Order determining unauthorized drinks and other controlled substances classified as narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors in Rwanda;
  • Ministerial Order determining the content and design of the warning to be put on the package of tobacco and tobacco products;
  • Ministerial Order determining the characteristics of smoking areas and the content which shall be included in the notice to be displayed in the smoking area;
  • Ministerial Order appointing Military Judicial Police Officers, namely:
  1. 2Lt Celestin NDAYISENGA
  2. 2Lt Gaspard NDAYAMBAJE
  3. 2Lt Frank MUSIIME
  4. 2Lt Alex MUGWANEZA
  5. 2Lt Diane UWASE
  6. Sgt NKURIKIYINKA Didier
  7. Pte SHEMA Patrick
  8. Pte NGAMIJE Jackson
  9. Pte NIYOMUGABO Elias
  10. Pte KANTENGWA Betty
  11. Pte UWIZEYE Esther
  • Ministerial Order granting accreditation to the East Africa University Rwanda (EAUR);
  • Ministerial Order granting accreditation to the Rusizi International University (RIU);
  • Ministerial Order granting accreditation to the Ngoma Adventist College of Health Sciences (NACHS);
  • Ministerial Order granting accreditation to the Ruli Higher Institute of Health Sainte Rose de Lima (RHIH).

9. The Cabinet Meeting approved the following Instructions:

  • Ministerial Instructions on special transport allowance facilitation for District Labour Inspectors.

10. The Cabinet Meeting proposed the agrément for the following to represent Rwanda in foreign countries as Ambassadors:

  1. Mr IGOR Cesar, at Berlin, in Germany
  2. Amb. NKURIKIYINKA Christine, at Stockholm, in Sweden
  3. Amb. SEBUDANDI Venetia, at Tokyo, in Japan
  4. Mr KAVARUGANDA Guillaume, in Singapore
  5. Mr KAMANZI Stanislas, at Abuja, in Nigeria
  6. Sheikh HABIMANA Saleh, at Cairo, in Egypt
  7. Col. RUTABANA Joseph, at Tel Aviv, in Israel.

11. The Cabinet Meeting made the following appointments.

In the Office of Prime Minister:

  • Mr. NTAGANIRA Vincent: Speech Writer
  • Mr. BIZIMANA Hamiss: Office Manager


  • Mrs. SIMBIZI Emmanuella: Head of Central Secretariat
  • Mr. KAGGWA Mustapher Abdullah: Committee Clerk


  • Mr RWAMUGANZA Caleb: Director General of National Budget.
  • Mr KABERA Godfrey: Director General of National Development Planning & Research Department.
  • Mr RUGWABIZA MINEGA Leonard: Chief Economist.
  • Mr RWIGAMBA SANDE Eric: Director General of Financial Sector Development
  • Mr MARARA SHYAKA Patrick: Accountant General.
  • Mr RUGERI NKUSI Christian: Treasury Counsel.
  • Mr KAREMERA KARYEJA Reuben: Deputy Accountant General in charge of Treasury Management.
  • Mr MUKESHIMANA Marcel: Deputy Accountant General in charge of Accounts Consolidation and Reporting.
  • Mr. RUSERA SUNDAY: Director in charge of Capital Market and investment Schemes Unit.
  • Mr. ASIIMWE Herbert: Director of Banking and Non-banking Sector Unit.


  • Mr. NABAHIRE Anastase: Coordinator of Justice Sector Secretariat.
  • Mrs. MUKABATSINDA Anatholie: Director of Planning, monitoring and evaluation Unit.
  • Mr. NZARAMYIMANA Alphonse: Director of Human Resources and Administration Unit.


  • Mr. TWIRINGIYIMANA Remy: Advisor to the Minister.


  • Mr. TOTO WA MUGENZA Emmanuel: Director of Planning Monitoring and Evaluation Unit.
  • Mrs. UTAMULIZA Marie Chantal: Director of Administration and Finance Unit.


  • Dr. BIZIMANA Jean Damascene: Executive Secretary


  • Mrs MUKAMAZERA Rosalie: Commissioner
  • Mrs KAZAYIRE Judith: Commissioner


  • Mr. TETERO Francois Xavier: Director of Water Resources Regulation Unit.
  • Mr. NTENGE Alain Joseph: Director of Geological Surveying and Exploitation Unit.


  • Mr. BUTERA NGANGO: Director of Axles Load Control Unit.
  • Mr. RUHUMURIZA Albert: Director of Human Resources and Administration Unit.


  • Mr. RWAKA Nicholas: Director of Research on Heroism and Decorations of Honour.


  • Mrs MUKANTABANA Marie: Vice President
  • Mrs MUKAMURENZI Marthe: Member

12. In AoBs:

a. The Minister of Health informed the Cabinet Meeting that Rwanda will host the 4th East African healthcare federation Conference from 17th to 19th May 2015 in Kigali. The conference theme is: “The role of the private sector in financial sustainability of healthcare delivery systems”.

b. The Minister of Natural Resources informed the Cabinet Meeting that the International World Water Day was celebrated on 20th March 201 5. This year’s theme “Water and Sustainable Development”. In Rwanda, the celebration of the International World Water Day was preceded by the National Water Week from 16th-20th March 2015. During this week, the public was sensitized on water management, protection of water catchments and some water projects were inaugurated.

c. The Minister of Agriculture and Animal Resources informed the Cabinet Meeting that:

  • The implementation of Gako Beef Project has started by developing modern infrastructures on 4500 Ha of land to tap on the increasing demand for meat and products for local and export market. Currently, MINAGRI and concerned ministries are focusing on conducting feasibility studies to establish major infrastructures (irrigation, water and electricity supply, abattoirs….) and attracting potential investors.
  • There is progress made towards developing an appropriate mechanism to distribute and exchange the remaining 391 cows at MINAGRI farms under Girinka Program.

d. The Minister of Trade and Industry informed the Cabinet Meeting that Rwanda will participate for the fourth time since 2000 in the World Expo scheduled to take place in Milano, Italy from 1 st May 2015 till 31 st October, 2015. The Milano 2015 Exhibition theme is “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”. Rwanda’s exhibition theme is “Coffee Journey to a Prosperous Land of a Thousand Hills”.

e. The Minister of State in charge of Community Development and Social Affairs informed the Cabinet Meeting of the progress of the Ubudehe categorization process. Following the revision of the previous Ubudehe categories in August 2014, the new categories have since changed from specific names to numbers. All Rwandans will from now on be categorized in form of numbers, i.e. Category 1, 2, 3 and 4. A pilot categorization phase was conducted in August 2014 in five sampled Districts of Nyagatare, Rulindo, Rutsiro, Gisagara and Nyarugenge and was completed in January 201 5. The categorization process is now at data entry level and the whole exercise is expected to be completed by June 2015.

f. The Minister of State in MINEDUC in charge of Primary and Secondary Education informed the Cabinet Meeting that the review of the new competency-based curriculum was completed. The national launch is planned to take place on April 23 rd 2015. The new curriculum will be implemented from January 2016 (teaching and learning) beginning with Pre-schools, Primary 1, Primary 4, Senior 1, and Senior 4. The implementation will be progressive covering a span of three years (2016, 2017 and national examination in 2018).

g. The Minister of State in MINEDUC in charge of Technical and Vocational Training informed the Cabinet Meeting that the construction works and equipment of the Integrated Polytechnic (TVET high school) of Musanze were completed in partnership with Chinese Government. The opening ceremony is planned in March 2015.

This Statement was signed by

 Stella Ford MUGABO

The Minister in Charge of Cabinet Affairs

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