Musabe Pasteur was murdered by a certain Samuel Nsengiyumva alias Kibanda, acting under the orders of Paul Kagame.

Pasteur Musabe is a former Managing Director of the African Continental Bank of Rwanda (BACAR) in Kigali.

He was born in 1949 in Rubari, in the Giciye commune, GISENYI prefecture in northwestern Rwanda.

In the night of 14 to 15 February in 1999, as he was preparing to join his wife and two children who had sought asylum in Europe, Pasteur Musabe was murdered in Yaoundé, Cameroon, by a group of three men armed with knives.

After returning from an evening with friends, the former BACAR director was met by three criminals waiting outside his home.

The three individuals neutralized him, gagged him, twisted his neck, and stabbed him multiple times.
He shouted for help, but the neighbours who wanted to intervene were threatened with death by the attackers.

Previously, Pastor Musabe had been imprisoned in Cameroon on March 29, 1996, among the 12 Rwandans “presumed genocidaires”.
He was released a few months later, following a decision rendered on February 21, 1997 by a Cameroonian court exonerating him, while four of his former co-detainees were transferred to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda located in Arusha, Tanzania.

According to the Centre de Lutte contre l’impunité et l’injustice au Rwanda (Cliir) Pasteur Musabe was assassinated by death squads under Kigali’s orders. They assassinated him because of his filiation with Colonel Bagosora, who is his older brother, and to prevent the publication of a manuscript he had just completed on the causes of the Rwandan tragedy.

According to the family of the deceased, he was murdered by a certain Samuel Nsengiyumva alias Kibanda, acting under the orders of Paul Kagame.



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