Is Museveni creating another Kizza Besigye by sacking his Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi?

Museveni sacks Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi as Rugunda eats big


Amama (L) out, Rugunda in


And so it finally happened.After keeping the country waiting for a year, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has disposed of his prime minister, Amama Mbabazi, replacing him with Ruhakana Rugunda, who has been Health minister.


In a statement, the Uganda Media Centre (UMC) said on its website that Museveni had written to the speaker of Parliament, Rebecca Kadaga, informing her of the development.


“By virtue of the powers vested in the President of the Republic of Uganda by article 108A(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, I have, with immediate effect, decided to appoint Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda as the new Prime Minister of Uganda,î” UMC quoted Museveni as saying in his letter to Kadaga. “I, therefore, hereby forward the names and the curriculum vitae of Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda to you for the required Parliamentary approval.”


Museveni also thanked “the Rt. Hon. Amama Mbabazi for the contribution he has made to his country.”


Mbabazi has been one of the most powerful members of any of Museveniís cabinets since 1986. However, amid reports last year that Mbabazi wanted to stand for President, the relationship between him and Museveni has suffered.


“His sacking has been long in coming and will not surprise any keen watcher of our politics,” said The Observer Editor Richard M Kavuma. “Despite Mbabazi insistence that he had no plans to run against Museveni in 2016, the president’s intelligence machinery continued to tell him that Mbabazi was extremely ambitious. This relationship was always going to end in some form of separation.”


The UMC Executive Director and Government Spokesman, Ofwono Opondo, was quoted on radio as saying that the changes in cabinet only affected the prime minister. Opondo said that the ruling party asked Mbabazi to choose between being prime minister and being NRM secretary general and he failed to relinquish either position.


That choice has now been made for Mbabazi, who remains NRM secretary general – for now.


Statement from Mbabazi
I thank the President, HE Yoweri Kaguta Museveni for having given me the opportunity to serve my country as Prime Minister and in other capacities prior to this. I will continue to offer my services to my country in whatever capacity I can.


I have congratulated Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda on his appointment. I have no doubts that he has the capacity to execute the duties of Prime Minister effectively. I thank my colleagues in Cabinet for the maximum cooperation I received as Prime Minister.


I also thank the Public Service, especially those that I’ve worked with all these years. I appreciate the great service they have rendered to this nation and will remain loyal and dedicated to working with them whenever my services are needed.


For God and my country


Amama Mbabazi, SC, MP.

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