Museveni to Deputy IGP Muzeeyi Sabiiti: Wipe out criminal gangs in two days or else…

President Museveni has given the Deputy Inspector General of Police, Maj.Gen. Muzeeyi Sabiiti two days to deal with the rampant criminal gangs terrorizing residents in various parts of the greater Kampala Metropolitan area.

In a statement about the current security situation in the country, Museveni said he had been made aware of gangs attacking homes in the city using machetes and iron bars, noting that these should not worry the public.

“For today, I will only comment on the pigs that are attacking people with pangas and mitayimbwa (steel- bars) and robbing them. I have given two days to the commander Sabiiti of the police to come out with a plan to combat these gangs,”Museveni said in the statement.

The Inspector-General of Police who is in Peru for a meeting delegated his duties to his deputy Muzeeyi Sabiiti.

Museveni said these gangs are not so sophisticated adding that they can easily be wiped out.

These are gangs we shall easily defeat. That is what we did with the Kiddawalime gang in Masaka, the gang of Bukomero, the gang of Entebbe etc. It is easy to defeat these gangs. Their crimes will only add to the credit of the NRM because we are going to defeat them. Yet, the People have already seen the bankruptcy and the criminality of these groups and those who back them.”

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