My friend Paul Rusesabagina has been kidnapped by the terror regime of Paul Kagame

By Keith Harmon Snow


My friend Paul Rusesabagina has been kidnapped by the terror regime of Paul Kagame et al in Rwanda. Below is a press release from the Hotel Rwanda Rusesabagina Foundation that provides some details.

Use the hashtag #FreeRusesabagina

The USA, Canada, Britain and Israel (the primary culprits) have backed the Kagame terror regime in Rwanda since 1990, when the Rwandan Patriotic Front took power by coup d’etat, committing massive widespread atrocities, war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide, and the double presidential assassinations of April 1994, and the massive genocide in the Congo. The mainstream and even most alternative media in the USA has pumped out the most egregious propaganda to support the Rwanda Genocide Industry.

It seems that Paul flew from Texas to Dubai arriving last Thursday. He called his wife from Dubai Thursday night.

It is possible that he was visiting Dubai and had boarded a flight bound for Europe or the USA that was en route diverted to Kigali, Rwanda, where Rusesabagina was illegally taken off the plane into the criminal Rwandan regime’s custody. So, at present, it’s been confirmed by Rwanda that Paul is under arrest and illegally detained in Rwanda, where torture of opponents of the regime is common place.


PRESS RELEASE: Hotel Rwanda Rusesabagina Foundation
31 August 2020

Humanitarian Paul Rusesabagina Kidnapped and Detained by Rwandan Government

Paul Rusesabagina, the humanitarian famous for saving 1,200 refugees during the 1994 Rwandan genocide, whose true story was told in the film Hotel Rwanda, has been arrested while traveling.

“We believe he was kidnapped and taken by extraordinary rendition to Rwanda,” said a spokesperson for the family.

“[Paul Rusesabagina] is being held by President Paul Kagame’s government on false charges. He is a regular critic of human rights violations in Rwanda, and the Rwandan government regularly brings false charges against all critics in order to try to silence them.”

The Rwandan government has been attempting to discredit Rusesabagina since the movie Hotel Rwanda appeared in 2004. He is seen as a famous Rwandan in exile who is embarrassing to Kagame and his authoritarian government.

The various charges against Rusesabagina were shown to be false on many occasions, but Rwanda continued to pursue him. Rwandan agents have regularly followed Rusesabagina for over a decade, including invading his home, threatening his life, and frequently attempting to disrupt his public and private speeches.

Rusesabagina’s family is extremely concerned for his well being, and is pleading with the international community to get involved. “Paul is a cancer survivor and heart patient who requires daily medication,” said a spokesperson for the family.

His family has not had any contact with him since his disappearance. They have requested to visit him immediately, to make certain that he is safe, and to ensure his swift release.

Paul Rusesabagina is a peaceful activist recognized around the world with awards, honorary degrees, and the U.S. Presidential Medal of Freedom.

International action is needed immediately to pressure the Rwandan government and insure Rusesabagina’s safe and speedy release.”

We are asking people to use the hashtag #FreeRusesabagina


Basic message for anyone who can make calls or send

I am enraged that Paul Rusesabagina, an international humanitarian and the hero of Hotel Rwanda, was kidnapped and arrested by the Rwandan government this weekend on completely false charges.

Please call on President Paul Kagame’s Rwandan government to IMMEDIATELY release Paul Rusesabagina

Paul joins many humanitarian groups as a regular critic of the authoritarian Rwandan government, and they respond by raising unfounded and false accusations of terrorism in order to silence him and other critics.

Paul is only in jail because he speaks out against the Rwandan government.

Paul is also 66 years old, and in addition to being a survivor of the Rwandan genocide, he is a cancer and heart survivor who needs regular medication. His family is deeply concerned for his health while he is wrongly confined.


Contacts to spread around:

Your Congressman –
(use lookup to find your representative)

Your Senator –

White House switchboard 202-456-1414 – tell President
Trump to call the Rwandan government

Rwandan ambassador to the United States
Professor Mathilde Mukantabana
(202) 232-2882

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet

If in Europe:
Human rights at EU
Ms. Luisa Ragher, Head of Division, EU office
of human rights
Belgian foreign minister
Minister Philippe Goffin
+32 (0)2 501 81 11



Black (African) Lives Matter

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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