Only Rwanda where Gen Rwigema’s sister can be assassinated and nobody dares to speak up!

Joy Agabe, the sister of Maj Gen Fred Rwigema


In the clip below, it’s clear, less than 15 individuals attended Joy Agaba’s burial.

Her death hit her Mother so hard, Mama Rwigema has not said a single word since her daughter was assassinated.

It became apparent that few people in Kigali were aware that Joy Agaba was staying in the same city. Most thought she lived abroad. Yet she was right in her home. Her husband works with the United Nations & was not around.
In the morning she was found dead by her maid, she called her close family only for Rwanda Police to arrive and whisk the body away. The family never saw the body until It was presented for the burial ceremony. According to the maid, police knocked on the gate as soon as she put the phone down, meaning they were already in position waiting to retrieve the body before anyone came. But a number of sources from within DMI have described the condition of Joy’s body when they came in to take it to Kaciru Mortuary.

Meanwhile, the same police said it had no information of any death, much less that of Joy Agaba when, some international media people called to ask.

In his eulogy Joy’s husband turned to a DMI note, when it came to what caused her death, where he mention some liver condition. No liver condition causes sudden. However, he had already subconsciously mentioned that Joy was not sick at all.

Jeannette Rwigema on the other hand is reportedly wishing they would come and kill her as soon as possible. She was reportedly walking to and fro between her home and the Late Joy Agaba’s home on foot at 3am in the morning to pick this or bring that. Paul Kagame ‘s thirst for blood and especially blood like that of Jannet Rwigema is so great that he won’t hesitate to take her life.
Paul Kagame has no humanness in him more:
No shame,
No empathy,
No values,
No friends,
He only feels a little bit better when he kills people. ( I have warned you Generals you are coming next, including you Dan Munyuza)

Teta Gisa Rwigema, Fred’s first born daughter is in Kigali.
If I am not mistaken, Eric Gisa Rwigema is out of the country and did not travel to bury his auntie. I hope those with him will keep him safe. But mostly importantly, we trust God will keep him safe.


She was following the testimonies of Major Michel Mupende and because she knows a lot more than most people who listened to the testimonies, it was easy for her to connect the missing links and come to her own conclusion very quickly. It seems it was the first time she realised Kagame had actually killed his brother, therefore she felt the loss afresh under the obtaining new truths. She then shared with a person who she thought was friend about her anguish. This particular individual happened to be a DMI agent.
Joy Agaba was able to reveal that RPF handed over Fred Gisa Rwigema’s body to his family somewhere in 1990. We now know that Fred’s family was in custody of Fred’s body during the entire time of the war, preserved somewhere I imagine.
Joy also mentioned the car in which she recieved Fred’s body and number plate. These details and others she knew obviously created discomfort to Fred’s killer who is Paul Kagame.

Vincent Nyakarundi under Dan Munyuza’s supervision is the one who planned and coordinated the death of Joy Agaba. She was obviously strangulated from the information available. It’s not clear how they gained access to her house.

This is therefore to call on all Rwandans and especially those who lived with, shared with Fred Rwigema to rise up and speak on behalf of this family.

“If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? David asked God while he was distressed in the wilderness running away from King Saul.
Psalms 11:3 KJV

#Paul #Kagame #assassination #murder #Poisoning #mass #murderer

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