By David Himbara
Inbox me your choice among the following possible reasons, or inbox me your own opinion on why Kigali, an urban centre of over 1 million remains a city of latrines, and open sewage that dump untreated waste into nearby rivers.
1) Kagame is not building a sewage system to prevent the dumping raw human and industrial waste into rivers Nyabugogo and Nyabarongo because it is too expensive.
2) Kagame is not aware of the problem because if he knew it, the issue would have been addressed.
3) Kagame is more interested in prestigious projects such as the $300 million Kigali Convention Centre than basic infrastructure that after all most visitors do not see.
4) Kagame is unaware of health hazard the open sewers and polluted water pose to Rwandans, otherwise he would have fixed the problem.
5) None of the above…Kagame has not fixed the pending disaster because….