The immixion of oxfam in the tractations for a destructive military intervention in Burundi is worrisome, especially when one thinks of the ostensible mandate of this so-called non governmental organization. Indeed, Oxfam was supposedly created to help relieve famine throughout the world, by appealing principally to the rich westerners to put their hands in their wallets for help. Here, instead of fulfilling their famine relief duty, Oxfam spies are feeding the joint retreat of AU and EU peace and security committees (PSC) with anonymous propaganda aimed at provoking a military intervention that would lead to the much coveted regime change in Burundi.
We have seen what regime changes have created in Irak, Libya and the Ukraine. We see how much destruction the ongoing attempts at regime change have caused in Syria. So, this twisted narrative of destruction in the name of averting a small humanitarian catastrophe by creating a bigger one should be overturned: rather than asking that Syria does not become another Rwanda (Syria and Libya have undergone much bigger destructions than Rwanda ever has), should be overturned to ask: does the West want to create another Iraq, Libya or Syria catastrophe in Burundi in the name of a regime change? Regime change for who? For what? What gives the West the mandate to seek to remove governments they don’t like if not their white supremacist vision of moral superiority?
A highly unpopular French president still thinks he is in a position to determine which president in Africa or Syria has lost the support of his people. If not in name of white supremacy, what can be the possible other ground for the whites to always be the ones who interfere in the internal and external affairs of non white countries? Are there no mirrors in Paris, Brussels, Washington and London?
In that regard, Oxfam’s interventionist tendency should not come as a surprise, given the white supremacist (moral superiority) views of the classes from which it emerged. We all knew that most of such organizations were used as a cover to send secret services agents across the world, many of which contribute to destabilizing governments targeted by the US and UK for color revolutions also known as “regime change”. But this is one of the few occasion those spies are caught red-handed, fueling conflicts in places where they should be advocating for strengthening the basic conditions for stability and peace. From now on, let it be clear, each grouping advocating for western-sponsored military intervention, irrespective of the false motive it may evoke, has the mantel of white supremacy and should be treated as such. And for Oxfam spies, anonymously fueling conflicts under the cover of an organization born in conservative, imperialist Oxford, a city that still honors the criminal Cecil John Rhodes, no other demonstration of moral decrepitude is needed.
Georgiana Mugisha-Fitzpatrick, PhD, Criminal psychoanalysis specialist.