On Monday, 02 September 19, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe was instructed by criminal Paul Kagame through Brig Gen Willy Rwagasana to go and address reserved forces who are bound for DR Congo.
The embattled General, got an opportunity to fool criminal Paul Kagame by attacking Gen Kayumba through fabricated and twisted lies. Treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe’s speeches are the usual speeches he utters when trying to fool criminal Paul Kagame. This speech, like all his previous speeches are psychological mind games towards criminal Paul Kagame rather than a sick man’s attacks towards Kayumba Nyamwasa or any other person he has targeted in the past.
In his lies, treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe noted that his the one who recruited Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa to join the NRA Bush war. Really, Really, shockingly Gen James Kabarebe was feeding lies in the presence of Gen Eric Murokore and Gen Alex Kagame who know the truth.
How would an NRA bush war deserter James Kabarebe recruit anyone? After the NRA bush war what was James Kabarebe’s rank in comparison to Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa? After the NRA Bush war, was James Kabarebe in the army NRA? (Topics for another day)
According to living NRA officers who know Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa very well, have attested to me that Gen Kayumba Nyamwasa was recruited in the NRA by RO/00092 Lt Col Benon Tumukunde (Deceased), brother to the late Gen Aronda Nyakairima. RO/00092 Lt Col Benon Tumukunde recruited very many Makerere educated boys from Rukungiri, especially from Rujumbura county to join the NRA bush war.
When you listen to venom speech of treacherous assassin Gen James Kabarebe while addressing these DR Congo bound troops, one may think his addressing people in another planet where those who know everything are none existence……to be continued.
By Gakwerere Rpf