PAUL KAGAME’S ACHILLES HEEL: SAJYA GENERALS. THEY WILL SORT HIM OUT. ALL OF THEM HAVE TO FIND A WAY OF MAKING IT TO THE NEXT DAY ALIVE. The rift began from within these ranks and these who yet live today, do so not because Paul loved them. They used different methods to survive. The Late Col William Bagire, who was assassinated by Paul Kagame, in the process of purging Fred Rwigema loyalists, once said: “In RPF/A, everyone is a target except Paul Kagame who is protected by DMI and the Presidential Guard.

The rest of us have to live a life of evasion and deception”. He was telling a fellow Colonel who is alive today. Bagire never survived. These Sajya officers who survived had to play deadly survival games.

Some two Generals amongst the group below were asked by Kagame to decide to choose between Col Patrick Karegeya’s life and their own lives. Upon realising that they need to live for another day, they actually helped Paul Kagame get to Patrick Karegeya in South Africa by contacting him and asking to facilitate their ‘escape’.

All calls were monitored by Kagame until they got Patrick in that hotel on December 31st 2013, where assassins were waiting for him in the stead of his fellow Generals. They have all since been retired. Will they now allow to be used to kill another one of their brothers.

Since Karegeya was assassinated, death is always circling like a vulture around these experienced Generals. Should Paul Kagame make a move on any one of them, it will be his very last. He is already harassing General Kabarebe. Generals Nzabamwita, Ibingira and Ruvusha were under arrest for a while recently.

Gen Emmanuel Ndahiro went to prison at Kanombe where he found hell on earth. Brig Gen Gumisiriza is battling a court case. I could go on, however, you can’t retire a General Officer and not disengage him or her.

Disengagement is a process of easing an officer into a corresponding civilian life. All countries do this. A General, when he retires, is made to join the upper class of civilian life. Caging them like Paul Kagame is doing, has only one outcome and even he can’t prevent it.

I know they will not allow to die today after surviving for 29 years

Gideon Rukundo Rugari

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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