Pilato aka Kagame dies in his own movie again!!

Kagame My Problems with Uganda were made in South Africa

By: Seruga Titus

His latest DMI move to launch a Rebel Group named RNC province of Uganda to justify his attack on Uganda has been exposed.

Recently a cell of DMI agents funded in Kampala exposed themselves by forming a group called RNC Province of Uganda, the group released a press conference with it’s structures and members, on top of this the group named notable individuals already targeted by DMI as it’s leaders in Kampala.

Kagame has always alleged that RNC operates and runs it’s bases in Uganda, he has funded informers within security and police to provide him with premeditated intelligence just to confirm his ego.

In 2018 Kagame’s DMI alleged that Seruga Titus was Rwandese and that I had met with top RNC officials in Brussels, this allegation was meant to create doubt in my continued publications of his intentions to install a puppet president in Uganda to allow him to steal mineral resources from the country has he has done in Congo for a very long time.

This current move is aimed at justifying his allegations to the international community and his pending attack on Uganda, recently he spoke at the press conference and said ”we are going to make it costly for those that plan to destabilize Rwanda” a week after Burundi was attacked by gunmen killing at least 60 of it’s soldiers in the night, a typical Kagame style attack if you remember the Kisangani attacks on a Ugandan base at night.

Now a group claiming to fight Kagame comes up to launch their structures in Uganda, isn’t this Kagame’s hopeless game to justify his claims.

The Informant spoke to Dr. Rugari a Mulago Surgeon about this group that purports he is a member and one of it’s mobilzers, he laughed the matter off as Kagame’s crazy games ” ”Am Ugandan why would I fight to remove Kagame in the first place?

I have only given my opinions on Rwanda’s continued aggression based on information I get and see around, Kagali has mobilized for the blocking of my twitter account, threatened to kill me and has actually tried to kill me, I am a Surgeon and only focusing on my security and work.” responds Dr. Gideon Rukundo Rugari

Intelligence gathered by the Informant from very credible sources is that the President ordered CMI and ISO to investigate this group arrest all those involved and deport them to Rwanda.

The Official RNC group has denied any knowledge of this group in a letter attached.

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