President Kagame’s Globe-trotting Achieves What Exactly? By David Himbara

Here is Rwanda’s head of state impressing a gathering at the Milken Institute. Across the table is his marketer former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. Kagame left Rwanda on 17 April 2015. He went on a state visit to Ethiopia. And immediately on another state visit to Algeria. And is now attending the Milken Institute Global Conference 26-29 April 2015.


So what does he sell or buy in these frequent tours that benefit Rwandans? If the newly-published development indicators by the World Bank Group are anything to go by, Kagame trips are a waste of time.


Take a look at these comparative figures on Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. Kagame’s Rwanda is pathetic in every category as indicated in 2012-2013 growth rates.


GDP per capita in the four country grew as follows between 2012 and 2013:
• Rwanda’s gdp per capita expanded from $630.1 to 638.7.
• Kenya’s expanded from $1,165.7 to $1,245.5
• Tanzania’s grew from $834.8 to $912.7.
• Uganda’s grew from $652.7 to $657.4.


Embarrassingly for Kagame gdp per capita grew by only $8.6 in a year.


Gross domestic product in the four countries grew as follows:
• Rwanda’s gross domestic product expanded from $7.2 billion to $7.5 billion.
• Kenya’s grew from $50 billion to $55 billion.
• Tanzania’s grew,$38.7 billion to $43.8 billion.
• Uganda’s expanded from $23.7 billion to $24.7 billion.


In the case of GDP only Rwanda failed to expand by at least $1 billion in a year, while Kenya grew by $5 billion.


Foreign direct investment in the four countries was as follows:
• Rwanda share of FDI decreased from $159 million to $110 million.
• Kenya share increased from $258 million to $514 million.
• Tanzania’s increased from $1.7 billion to $1.8 billion.
• Uganda’s decreased from $1.2 billion to $1.1 billion.


If Kagame’s globe-trotting is aimed at attracting foreign investment, the result here show dismal outcomes.


So please Mr President, why don’t you save Rwandan taxpayers and donor money and stay in Kigali a bit longer since you are not achieving much from your trips? The owners of the aircraft you charter – who are of course your own RPF’s Crystal Ventures Ltd – must be laughing all the way to the bank.

About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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