Prossy Boona: “You can call me anything, but nothing will stop me from calling on Kagame to release my husband Rwema”

Hello there friends and followers over here,I hope that life is treating you well, today  I am bending down to answer to Kigali propagandists, who have made it a full time job to attack me, see I know that it puts bread crumbs on you looser’s tables and I understand your struggle to survive not only in a small economy like yours but in a diabolic dictatorship, it can’t be easy.

So today I am responding to many of you who keep populating my in box with messages of how a Tutsi can’t oppose a so called Tutsi government of RPF, and you also hide behind this ethnic card to try and water down my continued struggle for freedom of our people you keep incarcerated in your safe houses including Rwema my husband.

So Tutsi Congolese and hundreds of your type that have picked the fine time to character assassinate Rwema as you hide behind being Tutsi, see none of you is more Tutsi than him and none of you will ever contribute to the Tutsi struggle than he ever did, nor be loyal to RPF than him, but perhaps you can pick a lesson from his plight today and serve humanity other than propagating a brutal regime and in Kinyarwanda they say (umugabo mbwa aseka imbohe).

Tutsi Congolese, stop lying to people that your a Tutsi from Congo or even a Munyamulenge, because it’s public knowledge that the attack on the banyamulenge people was cooked and served to them by the Rwanda regime and every true munyamulengye cannot defend a government that is destroying his birth place.

But because you and the other Kigali propagandists are speaking to confuse the banyamulenge, you claim to be part of them and even if you were one, you would simply be a traitor.

As for you claiming that Rwema took money from Ghadaf to establish Islam in minembwe, how does that become any of Rwanda’s business, did they kidnap him to make him pay Ghadaf’s money to them? Is Rwanda Libya? Or how does that even concern the Kigali establishment?

If you were truly Tutsi Congolese, you would ask your self why every Congolese Tutsi like Laurent Nkunda ,Bosco Ntaganda, Jules Mutebutsi and Rwema Gendarme are going through what they are going through, but see you’re not one of them, that’s why you celebrate their suffering.

To you, the Ugandan banyarwanda, who don’t miss a chance to tell me that president Museveni has failed where Kagame is succeeding, let me take this time to advise you, there are very well paying jobs in Kigali, of attacking Ugandan government and president Museveni in particular through media propaganda and they pay well, plus you’re from East Africa, so you will apply for a work permit and you won’t pay it, so instead of attacking me from here where you are not paid please, go over there and use your skills profitably.

As you’re in Rwanda doing this job, please don’t forget to exercise your freedom of expression by calling Kagame all sorts of names that you call president Museveni, see you will be exercising your rights and Paul Kagame is a Democrat you know!

As for Kigali propagandists, who think that tagging Rwema to RNC, just like you have used it as an excuse to attack his community, you’re wasting your time and none of this will justify Rwanda’s attack on the people that she is expected to defend.

And as for me, you can call me anything, but nothing will stop me from call on your government to release my husband and stop attacking his people.


About Chris Kamo

Great Lakes Post is a news aggregation website run by Chris Kamo and the site consists of links to stories for from all over the world about life and current events .

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