FARDC, FDLR clash in Bunagana

Reports from locals indicate that at least 25 civilians and Congolese
army (FARDC) soldiers were killed on Sunday, November 3, at the Uganda
– Congo Border town of Bunagana following fierce fighting between
This comes as a surprise since the two forces have been fighting
alongside each other as allies. The fighting which intensified at
around 4:00pm saw a big number of civilians cross the border into
Uganda fleeing from the fighting between the two factions of the FARDC
, FDLR- MONUSCO coalition.
The coalition occupied Bunagana on Wednesday following the withdrawal
of M23 rebels.
According to sources, the clashes between the allies could have been
fuelled by FARDC’s refusal to give up weapons to FDLR which is
believed to be the deal between the two sides. The sources believe
that the incident was not a mistake, but a result of the lack of
confidence by FDLR towards its ally (FARDC).
“The FDLR are accusing FARDC for being liars. They don’t have
confidence in President Joseph Kabila KABANGE on his support to
infiltrate Rwanda,” says the source who adds that the deal was to help
FARDC fight M23 and then FARDC would in return help the FDLR to return
home in Rwanda.
It is reported that about 1,000 FDLR militias from Busanza and Karambi
were supposed to strengthen the Bunagana front to launch the final
assault scheduled for today.
They have however, changed goal posts and instead of occupying the
front line against the M23 in Cyanzu, the FDLR have decided to take
the road back to Rwanda through the Virunga National Park.
Sources say that Colonel Gasari is leading the contingent of 1,000
militias who entered the Virunga National Park at the foot of mount
Sabyinyo. Among the officers commanding the troops, people noticed
commanders YASOLO, Gavana , KASONGO,MWAMI , Koffi and Claude the
commander of the troops that were based at Kinyana .
“The commanders are determined to return to Rwanda to fight based on
the recommendations of Tanzanian and Congolese presidents,” says the
Having been unable to convince their allies until the end of the war,
FARDC opened fire and clashes lasted more than two hours before seeing
the FDLR disappear heavily armed, in the forest for a new adventure.
This incident is expected to harm relations between the allies (FARDC
and FDLR). The Tanzanian contingent that is in the Intervention
Brigade tried to convince the FDLR to wait until the end of M23 and
plan an organized departure to Rwanda, something the FDLR didn’t